dream come true idiot - from Moscow to Vladivostok on the same train, without changes )))
Congratulations to all our readers a Happy Happy New Year!
Good luck in everything, and let your trains always arrive on time!
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To find knowledge, to recognize it and consciously use
achieve harmony, save it and distribute around
free oneself of formalities, to ignore the convention and reveal themselves
to help, teach and learn
Rue, analyze and try re
Remember, monitor and adjust
Tolerance, civility and understanding
recognized, not deter себя и наслаждаться моментом
I definitely need a new personality, because the old one gives me a nuisance emorme ...
'm torn between being myself and wearing different masks every day ...
This life makes me lose self-control ...
The meeting has again caused damage to my mind, that these are not just hard to believe ... not trusting anyone, just enjoy the moment of happiness, not to think of nothing but emotions and be happy ... every Once thought to be the last ... daltr'onde be too credulous, becomes even worse ...
Everything goes too fast, it seems that the years went by, while in reality only a week ...
Soon find out things a fairy tale or a nightmare ---
I think the most beautiful thing I've heard this year in Italy, was the one who told me the grandmother of Simon, Elda: "Keep the smile, because it does not cost you anything, but it helps you much. We will always help. Beautiful smile is nice passport. You have to be always smiling, even if you're angry or sad, do not you see your neighbors. " I can not repeat word for word but the meaning is more or less this. His words struck me so much, I felt a strong sensation. Even if you say a little 'out of my mind, what she said it seemed "pure wisdom."
The tone with which he spoke of 99 years old this was not at all hypocritical, perhaps because he is short of breath for a second, because only here in 24 years I realize that I live in a world in which there is only hypocrisy, profit, interest ....
"еще с детства, во всем Евангелии I was touched and moved by the most is teaching Hrosta, which preaches love, humility, humiliation, self-sacrifice and reward good for evil "
(Лев Thick)
Used the phrase "the wages-good," recalls something like "water-sieve". The share of absurdity here is not inferior to common sense, But the most striking is the novelty of this idea. How much has been said, prochtano and shows about good and evil, beginning with my Soviet childhood, but this claim a seat on the basis of life terms.
dubious application of this theory into practice upsets and calls for strengthening the will and the establishment of clearer framework of behavior.
What will be the personal computer in 2000
Contest ideas on the subject conducted by the American company "Apple has created the first personal computers in 1976.
in the competition won the group Students of the University of Illinois. Winners of the fancy computer near future as a box the size of a thick overall notebook. On one side of the box - the color screen on the liquid crystals. There are no keys or buttons, except the power button. Image buttons with the usual set of numbers, letters and signs appeared on the screen when you turn on the computer. To enter the car text or numbers, it is necessary to touch the images of the keys on the screen. Another way - Write directly on the screen of any pointed object. Written is stored in memory or in manuscript form, or by the owner converted into typewritten text, which immediately displayed on screen and can be printed on a computer connected to the printer. In the same way possible to create various graphics and curves.
If now personal computers are connected to data banks and to other such machines through the telephone network, while in 2000 they will be contacted with the outside world by radio. In addition, the screen can be called any television program.
Radio communication with the system of navigation satellites and the data bank Transport will allow the owner of this computer at any time by visiting the site on the planet to within a few feet and quickly calculate the most short and convenient route to any other point. And if that computer is kidnapped, you will immediately know where he is sending a broadcast their personal call signs.
creation of such a PC would not require new breakthroughs in technology or scientific discovery. Virtually everything you need for it уже существует.
("Наука и жизнь», 1988, № 12, с. 36)
Every time when you have to turn to historical the roots of my country to become somehow not on itself, unconsciously there is a feeling of awkwardness, a certain shyness, shame and inferiority sometimes ... always and everywhere represent the image of Ukrainians as not very educated villager in the trousers, with a piece of bacon and gorilka ... but it is not so! why are we so afraid to show our pride, so what can be proud of our land?
Take the Kievan Rus. Proud of is possible only by the fact that when laid the first stones of Moscow, we have was already true Russian Yaroslav the Wise. At that time, the Ukrainian nation was one of the most civilized. During Zaporizhzhya Sich Cossacks were one of the strongest armies in the world, using advanced strategies and techniques of warfare.
In Ukraine, there was one of the first European Constitution.
At the moment I have no purpose to enumerate all the bright sides of our history or to conduct discussions on them, this is a simple listing of facts.
Scientists politics, the arts and sciences, writers and philosophers - we are little we know about the great people of Ukraine and even less proud of them.
On the other hand analyzing памятники архитектуры на Украине и культурное наследие в целом гордиться мало чем. Когда приходиться всем иностранцам ссылаться на Софию Киевскую and Golden Gate understand what it was about a thousand years ago. Do not have over the years it was impossible to acquire something else. I'm not talking about that instead magnificent Gothic castles, stained glass, antique furniture, fine fabrics, we have to pull the cultural and architectural anachronism in a hut with a thatched roof and primitive utensils, which do not become ghosts in the minds of the Ukrainians, but rather tightly settled in the province.
Literate heritage full of tragedy, suicide karma, tears, sorrow, scars of hard work and eternal spiritual effort.
But however important the story was not and heritage, the future of the country - people living in it today.
can live in Italy, enjoy the benefits of civilized society, historical and cultural wealth of the country, but, nevertheless, get the young people who in the last decade will inevitably seek to degradation.
to develop the necessary incentives. In our country at this time of plenty. So let's going to grow, learn, develop and improve, be proud of country and be patriotic !
more and more aware of the need and importance of place in my life a certain MISSION ...
not serve a purpose because they do not give that fullness, volume and scale ... we can say that in some way my work like to perform certain tasks quest, mini-missions ... but,
want something that would be absorbed completely, so that all energy goes into achieving the desired, that thought is not set, and constantly finding outlet, and progressed in the development of the owl ...
I think I would prefer to live in the Soviet Union, working on some nuclear power plant ... in the team, selflessly, without thinking about materyalnom (but having it) ... and have a technical background ...
First time in my life I kissed inspector ... Valentine's Day should probably kiss someone else, although with such work as mine is quite logical ...
As it turned out I was very easy to move and simply fall in love with ... it is enough to be a smart man with a lively mind ...
Not looking at all my pragmatic, focused and realistic, I still like a child believe in a naive and pure love ...
I hope that day Valentine came up with a merchant or trader ... but if I'm wrong, then it was a very violent man who made half the world to dance his tune, forcing people to falsely show feelings, not their own, while some stamped stencils social incubator ... I'm not talking about the number of Suicide rapidly double in the day ... as always, the society think in terms of spraying most heartfelt euphoria and blowing it up epic proportions ... as interesting to look at this orgy of people who do not have a pair or experiencing a difficult period in his personal life? Someone thought about them that day ...
I, for one, it's ridiculous to see people giving to this day gifts, arrange "romantic dinners, flowers, candy, kiss, valentines ... because they really trust that this is their day, Valentine's Day, they believe what they like, and that they are loved, that their partner genuinely show their feelings .... on this day they do not think about the future, though, probably would be worth ... luscious voice, sweet lies, pretense and hypocrisy that's what we celebrate on February 14 ... show me a madman, who now would enjoy it a holiday after his paraphrase of this unique ... explanation for this may be the desire to escape from the bleak gray of everyday life ... how I pity those people who are forced to hide in a swamp ... a life is not worth to live it ...
determination and courage but endurance and peace of mind ....
tenderness and passion, but possession of a contactless and ...
just go and hit the ceiling, do that want, and then return to my old life and be happy ....
good, bad, better, very bad - in order to get smarter ...
why some of my bosses, no one women?
great move, and move something even cooler ...
make a wish and do them ahead of time ...
have an intuition and not to use it ...
be spontaneous, but not ostentatious ...
love ... love life ... to love others ...