Every time when you have to turn to historical the roots of my country to become somehow not on itself, unconsciously there is a feeling of awkwardness, a certain shyness, shame and inferiority sometimes ... always and everywhere represent the image of Ukrainians as not very educated villager in the trousers, with a piece of bacon and gorilka ... but it is not so! why are we so afraid to show our pride, so what can be proud of our land?
Take the Kievan Rus. Proud of is possible only by the fact that when laid the first stones of Moscow, we have was already true Russian Yaroslav the Wise. At that time, the Ukrainian nation was one of the most civilized. During Zaporizhzhya Sich Cossacks were one of the strongest armies in the world, using advanced strategies and techniques of warfare.
In Ukraine, there was one of the first European Constitution.
At the moment I have no purpose to enumerate all the bright sides of our history or to conduct discussions on them, this is a simple listing of facts.
Scientists politics, the arts and sciences, writers and philosophers - we are little we know about the great people of Ukraine and even less proud of them.
On the other hand analyzing памятники архитектуры на Украине и культурное наследие в целом гордиться мало чем. Когда приходиться всем иностранцам ссылаться на Софию Киевскую and Golden Gate understand what it was about a thousand years ago. Do not have over the years it was impossible to acquire something else. I'm not talking about that instead magnificent Gothic castles, stained glass, antique furniture, fine fabrics, we have to pull the cultural and architectural anachronism in a hut with a thatched roof and primitive utensils, which do not become ghosts in the minds of the Ukrainians, but rather tightly settled in the province.
Literate heritage full of tragedy, suicide karma, tears, sorrow, scars of hard work and eternal spiritual effort.
But however important the story was not and heritage, the future of the country - people living in it today.
can live in Italy, enjoy the benefits of civilized society, historical and cultural wealth of the country, but, nevertheless, get the young people who in the last decade will inevitably seek to degradation.
to develop the necessary incentives. In our country at this time of plenty. So let's going to grow, learn, develop and improve, be proud of country and be patriotic !
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