Saturday, February 14, 2009

Temporary License Test

anastazi_resto @ 2009-02-14T12:41:00

First time in my life I kissed inspector ... Valentine's Day should probably kiss someone else, although with such work as mine is quite logical ...

As it turned out I was very easy to move and simply fall in love with ... it is enough to be a smart man with a lively mind ...

Not looking at all my pragmatic, focused and realistic, I still like a child believe in a naive and pure love ...

I hope that day Valentine came up with a merchant or trader ... but if I'm wrong, then it was a very violent man who made half the world to dance his tune, forcing people to falsely show feelings, not their own, while some stamped stencils social incubator ... I'm not talking about the number of Suicide rapidly double in the day ... as always, the society think in terms of spraying most heartfelt euphoria and blowing it up epic proportions ... as interesting to look at this orgy of people who do not have a pair or experiencing a difficult period in his personal life? Someone thought about them that day ...

I, for one, it's ridiculous to see people giving to this day gifts, arrange "romantic dinners, flowers, candy, kiss, valentines ... because they really trust that this is their day, Valentine's Day, they believe what they like, and that they are loved, that their partner genuinely show their feelings .... on this day they do not think about the future, though, probably would be worth ... luscious voice, sweet lies, pretense and hypocrisy that's what we celebrate on February 14 ... show me a madman, who now would enjoy it a holiday after his paraphrase of this unique ... explanation for this may be the desire to escape from the bleak gray of everyday life ... how I pity those people who are forced to hide in a swamp ... a life is not worth to live it ...


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