Wednesday, February 16, 2011

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All people are equal, but some - more equal.

«Laws restricting freedom of speech" should not interfere ravam publish important halachic decisions and encourage them to "distort the Halacha for fear of prosecution."
Group MKs from the right and religious parties, including Likud, prepared a bill giving rabbis immunity from prosecution for any statements, comments and opinions related to the Halacha and the Torah.

These idiots do not even realize that the immediate result of the adoption of the "law on higher among equals," would legitimize the Islamic propaganda Kill the Jews. And do not reproach - from general ledger "religion of peace" a lot of quotes about killing infidels can nadergat.

Py.Sy. The following should be the law to warrant the pedophilia rabbis. Citations are found, the rabbis of pedophile too short.


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