Indigirka - a river in Yakutia, starting at Halkanskom Range and flows into the East Siberian Sea. More than half of the 1,726 km of its length Indigirka flows in mountainous terrain, making it one of the fastest navigable rivers of our country.
In August 2010 we implemented a fusion of length 855 km between Ust-Neroy that stands in the Magadan-Yakutsk to the White Mountains at the beginning of the downstream Indigirka.
In this way Indigirka is like a four dramatically different sites, so different that if would you fly a helicopter and landed at four points, we could decide that before you four different rivers.
first 170 km from Ust-Nera to Tyubelyahskoy Depression Indigirka flows between one channel of high mountains, crossing the parallel ridges of the ridge Chersky. In some places the river bed occupies the whole width the valley floor - so it is narrow. Depth here is significant, the flow velocity reaches 12-15 km / hour. This gold-bearing region, there still are several mines. For their supply on this site Indigirka a rather unusual navigation - small self-propelled barges brought to the villages of Gold products and equipment. Stones in line with almost no, but often the clamps when the river turns almost at a right angle and the jet with great force hits the high cliff. At some of these rocks are small obelisks or hang rusty anchor in memory of those killed in these places the courts.
Part Index - about this site.
Ust-Nera: Start route
In this part of the river valley is rather gloomy, the impression complements almost constant rain.
One of artisanal belongs hovercraft, which warp up and down the river. "
typical landscape of the upper Indigirka.
Propelled barge. It was built in Ust-Nera, or brought here by road - Ulakhan-Hapchagay, thresholds below Indigirka Tyubelyaha completely impassable for such ships.
Here it is - the famous Range Range, which runs a huge arc from the upper Kolyma River to the lower reaches of Yana.
clouds floating below the main clouds between the mountains, sometimes called "monkeys". This is a sign of low pressure and very bad weather.
Beach Indigirka very beautiful - The river is literally cut the mountain spurs, opening the world peremyatye tectonic movements layers.
pictures do not convey the main thing - speed. Water rushing here at 12 miles per hour.
Town Predporozhny - base of one of the artisanal gold mining. But despite the name, to the threshold here is even more 100 km.
familiar to us under the self-propelled gun discharge. From the Ust-Nera she came here for three hours, but back to back - am 15.
again rocks and rapids.
lived light rock.
These folds are the poetic name "Indigirka lace.
Once it was quite residential village that is associated with "big land" low ubiquitous An-2. But now most of the houses abandoned, and the Arga-My - just the base of one of the artisanal.
self-propelled guns here have short names.
weather improves.
rock formations here are upright, it forms a very unusual kind of bank.
Near the mouth of the Inya River as a butter knife cuts through a small hrebtik. Apparently, he was raised after the establishment of this river, and Indigirka have time to delve into it a pass.
parking space difficult to find ...
But soon the little hill to shine and is Indigirka in Tyubelyahskuyu Basin.
Here is the last settlement - Chumpu-Kytyl (Tyubelyah).
self-propelled guns to get it rarely, the main transport - Motor boat. Motors less than 30 l / s are not seen.
front of the door we stand up for the day.
Almost immediately, there is a curious black protein.
Cyclone takes a while, and Indigirka gives us a magnificent sunset.
decrease in the mountains, filled with a cloud - it's not a side-stream flow. So looks like the entrance to the Ulakhan-Hapchagay, a large canyon Indigirka. Our way lies precisely there.
To be continued!
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